International Servas Africa Conference
KenyaInternational Servas Africa Conference in Kenya
International Servas Africa Conference in Kenya
Come and volunteer in Buyoga village, Kibinge, Masaka . Share your experience with children. Discover the culture and meet local people.
4. Internationales Servas-Treffen im Ruhrgebiet
My Fantastic Servas Experience Thank you for your interest in the first Servas Story and Video Contests. We are interested in hearing personal experiences with Servas, whether from travelers or hosts. One winner will be selected for each category (one story winner and one video winner) and published on websites and our social medias. The […]
Die Servas-Gruppe Mainz lädt am Sonntag, 8.9., ein zu einer Wanderung...
Servas Poland invites to Cracow and its beautiful surroundings
Einladung zu einer Fahrradtour durch Potsdam und Umgebung
"Ich möchte gerne alle, die Lust haben zu einer kleinen Wanderung von Neukirchen an Brand zu meinem Garten in Ermreuth einladen..."
Einladung zur Jahrestagung und Mitgliederversammlung von Servas Germany e. V. in der Jugendherberge in Mannheim
"Believe it or not, the Servas Peace School (SPS) has spread to 4 continents in one year!!!"