Georgia Servas Peace School

First Servas Peace School-Georgia Summer Camp in Sakartvelo vom 22-29.06.2024 für die ganze Familie. Weitere Information findest du hier. Servas Peace School aims to bring the variety of the world […]

Neue Version ab 3.7.2024

Am 3. Juli wird Servas International die komplett neu aufgebaute Version 2 der Website online schalten. Alles Wissenswerte zu den geplanten Neuerungen findest Du in angehängter Information: 240624_Announcing V2 […]

Servas Turkiye Peace School 2024

It's a heartfelt invitation to Servas members worldwide, beckoning them to immerse themselves in the tapestry of shared moments – a symphony of joy, culture, and social bonds with children […]

Servas Bangladesh Summer Camp

Tour Plan Servas Bangladesh Summer Camp 2024 is designed to welcome Servas guests from around the world. The goal of this event is to introduce Bangladesh to our servas guests. […]

Servas by bike: four days in France


Servas by bike will take place in Lorraine, France, August 8 (arrival) -12 (departure), 2024. Please sign up by 15 of March; and look for further information: 240808_Francebybike Registration can […]

Servas Peace School in Uganda

Come and volunteer in Buyoga village, Kibinge, Masaka . Share your experience with children. Discover the culture and meet local people.