4th European Servas Conference in Wiesbaden
Wiesbaden4th European Servas Conference in Wiesbaden, Germany
4th European Servas Conference in Wiesbaden, Germany
Servas Spain is organizing its annual assembly this year at the Abadía San José in Godella, a town 10 kilometers from the city of Valencia, just when the city's biggest festival, Las Fallas, begins. The Abbey of Saint Joseph offers us the possibility of two accommodations, the abbey itself with double rooms with bathroom and […]
Do you love travelling, exchanging languages and culture?
Then quickly join next year's Servas Youth Camp Spring 2025.
Servas Trier is in full swing preparing for the next Town Meeting next year. Considering the small organisational team in Trier, we need to limit the number of participants at 40. Therefore, we extend our invitation to Servas Friends in the following cities: Strasbourg, Utrecht, Leuven, Basel, Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Mainz. Should we have available […]
Servas Switzerland lädt ein zum Pfingsttreffen in Solothurn.
Das beliebte Servas-Wandertreffen «Sentierinsieme – Pathways Together – Routes d’amitié – Miteinander Unterwegs» findet nächsten Sommer vom 04. bis 10. Juli 2025 in Zinal in den Walliserbergen / Schweiz statt. Rahmenprogramm Ressource Wasser: Wir beleuchten an diesem Treffen die Ressource Wasser in verschiedenen Zusammenhängen, insbesondere bei unterschiedlichen Gelegenheiten auf den Wanderungen. Musikalisches: Christoph Kuhn wird […]
Alpe-Adria-Meeting vom 26. – 28. September 2025 in Burghausen, Germany
Die SICOGA findet vom 3. bis 9. Oktober im französischen Dijon statt. Weitere Einzelheiten können der Einladung 251003_Sicoga entnommen werden. The Servas International Conference and General Assembly (SICOGA) is being planned as a hybrid physical/virtual meeting. Delegates representing Servas member groups may attend the conference and general assembly (SICOGA) in person at Dijon, or virtually, […]