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4th European Servas Conference in Wiesbaden

Januar 30 - Februar 2

Servas Germany is organising the 4th conference of European Servas groups from 30.01. to 02.02.2025 in Wiesbaden (near Frankfurt) on the topics “More members, more younger members, more active members”.

  • Our wish and our goal is that as many Servas "countries" in Europe including the Middle East and North Africa as possible participate in this conference.
  • Anyone who is active in the national Servas organization and has a function as National Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer, Peace, Youth or Family Secretary is eligible to participate.
  • Program: the details of the program has not yet been determined - a organizing group will develop proposals and present them for discussion in the run-up to the conference.  Detailed information will follow.
  • Registration: The call for registration will follow in mid-October.

More information:


Januar 30
Februar 2

